The forum is meant for people to share their information for people to contact them directly. If you are looking to provide guidance and advice to others, please post your name, your contact information of your choosing, and a little bit about your experience under the mentor tab. If you are looking for a mentor or simply someone to talk to, please post your name, your contact information of your choosing, and a little about your experience under the mentee tab. IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THIS OR NOT, ALSO APPLY TO BE A MENTOR OR FIND A BUDDY UNDER THE APPLY FOR A BUDDY TAB!!!!!
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Welcome to PAO Buddies where we focus on connecting people with hip dysplasia who have had or are considering a PAO surgery. We hope that by connecting individuals with a mentor or surgery date buddy, we can bring together a new community of people who understand each other.
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Above, mentors are the ones who are looking to provide guidance to others. Mentees are people looking for advice or someone to talk to. Post your name and info for people to contact you.
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